Recently I saw the TED Talk of Robert Lang and was totally impressed.
He describes how Origami changed and developed with the use of methematics and how they developed a new, better ‘language’ to describe crease patterns.
On the picture you see the crease description of Charon from Eileen’s Origami Page (I couldn’t imagine this as well :-)).
Take a look at Robert Lang’s Origami website, it is mind-blowing! (The crease patterns can be found at ‘Art’.)
And at Eileen’s Origami Page you can find a great article: The Beginner’s Guide to Crease Patterns.
You have to begin somewhere ;-)
TED Talks: fascinating lectures about nearly all
Robert Langs TED Talk: Idea + square = origami
Robert Lang’s Origami website
(The crease patterns can be found at ‘Art’.)
Eileen’s Origami Page:
The Beginner’s Guide to Crease Patterns