I mentioned previously crocheted buttons, beaded beads, paper beads and fabric beads.
Another way to make your own buttons and/or beads is knotting fabric.
On the photo you see my first attempt on this technique: I admit that I still have to work on it ;-))
It is tiny (about 0,5 cm / 0.2 inches) and was made from a very light fabric that frayed heavily. I thought that this could look interesting, instead it looks unfinished.
Back to the drawing board ;-)
Knotted Fabric Buttons and Beads
At unikatissima’s:
Crocheted buttons
Beaded beads
Paper beads
Fabric beads
Vielleicht braucht es noch ein paar Perlen, Glitzer oder Stickstiche um dem “unfertigen” Knopf etwas shabby chic zu verleihen?
Ich würde sagen, dass er bereits ‘shabby’ ist, aber mit Deinen Tipps könnte er vielleicht ein bisschen ‘chic’ werden ;-)