Recycled Gift Tags

Hamburger Liebe Recycled Gift Tags

I find these recycled gift tags great!

As well the round as the rectangular elements can depending on the season easily be cut from old Birthday, Christmas, Easter, Spring or whatever cards, or from matching gift wrap papers that are glued to white paper for reinforcement.

In place of the gift wrap papers you should also can use pages from old books, beautiful pictures from (travel) brochures or self-made or self-stamped paper.
And photos.

And, yes, you should also be able to make a coupon Advent calendar! :)

And then you can also embroider, doodle, paint, cut to paper flowers the elements.
And incorporate small beads or yarn threads.

Whew, my imagination rans riot again ;-))


Recycled Gift Tags (Postkarten Recycling) (German)

Here at unikatissima:
Entries with the tag ‘Advent’
Entries with the tag ‘Easter’
Entries with the tag ‘card’
Entries with the tag ‘books’
Paper Making
Entries with the tag ‘stamping’
Entries with the tag ‘photo’
Entries with the tag ‘Advent calendar’
Entries with the tag ’embroidery’
Entries with the tag ‘doodle’
Entries with the tag ‘painting’
Entries with the tags ‘paper’ and ‘flower’
Entries with the tag ‘beads’
Entries with the tag ‘yarn’