River Troll Ring

Chicken Betty River Troll Ring

Needless to say that you can also put jewelry into the advent calendar boxes, such as this lovely River Troll Ring.
It looks as if you could make quasi on the spur of the moment and that it would always be a unique and personal item.
I simply find it beautiful!

River Troll Ring

Here at unikatissima:
Entries with the tag ‘jewelry’
Boxes not only for the advent calendar

Make Your Own Spacer Bars

unikatissima Spacer Bar

When stringing bead jewelry you sometimes need spacer bars to keep beads or strings of your jewelry items apart. You can buy them as a matter of course, but I like much better making the needed spacer bars myself.

On the photo you see a first attempt.
Both middle spirals are meant to pass strings of a necklace through, the outer spirals are ‘nothing but’ decoration.
Not bad for a start, isn’t? ;-))

Making Your Own Spacer Bars

Make your own Wire Jig

unikatissima Make your own Wire Jig

A Wire Jig is a kind of board with pins where you can wind the wire. It is used for making jewelry.

And now I know how to make my own wire jig.
As you can see on the photo I gathered the pins already, I only have to find a wooden plate ;-)

And when you gathered all the elements of the wire jig, you can begin to make beautiful wire jewelry.

Make your own Wire Jig
WigJig University of Making Jewelry with Wire and Beads

Fried Marbles

craftster Fried Marbles.jpg

Once I found a tutorial on how to make fried/baked marbles: don’t they look great?
I couldn’t make them yet, but I have put them on my to-do-list.

For the wire work she did in the tutorial you can find inspiration and tutorials at WigJig University Jewelry Making Designs as I did for the Tealight Wire Spiral some days ago.

At craftster.org: Best way to make fried marbles+a suncatcher… kind of.

WigJig University Jewelry Making Designs

Here at unikatissima: Tealight Wire Spiral

Tealight Wire Spiral

unikatissima Tealight Wire Spiral

I browse sometimes at WigJig University – Jewelry Making Designs and found once the Wire and Beads Christmas Tree.
It wasn’t Christmas time then, so I used the wire Christmas tree as inspiration and made me a tealight wire spiral.
It doesn’t look as beautiful as I thought with the tealight lit, because the light shines upwards and the spiral lies in darkness, but I still like it.
I suspended it on a thread and sometimes I let it turn slowly (and carefully!) with the flame burning, that looks lovely.

WigJig University – Jewelry Making Designs: a fantastic compilation of wire jewelry projects!
Wire and Beads Christmas Tree