Turks Head Coaster

Nourish and Nestle Turks Head Coaster

I have already presented the knot coaster and the Turks head bracelet, now the combination of both: the Turks head coaster ;-)


Turks Head Coaster (DIY Coasters & Trivets using Turk’s Head Knot)
via: DIY Turk’s Head Coasters & Trivets

English Wikipedia entry for ‘Turk’s Head Knot’
German Wikipedia entry for ‘Türkenbund’

Here at unikatissima:
Knot Coaster
Turks Head Bracelet

Braided Scarf

Provo Craft Alicia Underwood Braided Scarf

For the spaghetti scrap scarf the single ‘spaghettis’ have been tied together wildly (that’s been something for freeformers ;-)), here for the braided scarf they are neatly braided, what also looks nice :)


Braided Scarf (Braided Tube Scarf Designed by Alicia Underwood)
=> instruction in webarchive

Here at unikatissima:
Spaghetti Scrap Scarf
Entries with the tag ‘Freeform’

Coloured Sisal Coaster

Deavita Coloured Sisal Coaster

I like the coloured sisal coaster, because you can add a perfect matching colour dab to a still environment :)

You can surely colour the previously presented sisal box in the same way.


Coloured Sisal Coaster (Basteln für Erwachsene – 55 originelle DIY Deko Ideen) (German)
=> scroll to Basteln für Erwachsene – Tassenuntersetzer aus Sisalseil

Here at unikatissima:
Sisal Box