Painted Snail Shells

Deavita Painted Snail Shells

Do you remember the beautiful painted sea shells?
The step to painted snail shells actually is not big ;-)

By the way, at the previously presented doodled shells the shells are not doodled on but simply doodled ;-)

If you like take a look at what else you can do with snail shells :)


Painted Snail Shells (Basteln mit Schneckenhäusern – 6 einfallsreiche Ideen für Mini Deko) (German)
=> scroll down to ‘Deko basteln mit Schneckenhäusern’

Here at unikatissima:
Painted Sea Shells
Doodling Shells
Entries containing the word ‘snail’

Painted Sea Shells

facebook Kellys Brighton Marina Painted Sea Shells

I have already presented painted things, I find painted sea shells also most beautiful :)
You can evoke with them memories of your Summer holidays in dull Autumn weather.
But you can make more with seashells


Painted Sea Shells (Kellys Brighton Marina)
=> I haven’t found the picture there
via: Sharpied Seashells
=> I haven’t seen the picture there anymore
via: These are beautiful…
=> here’s where the picture comes from

Here at unikatissima:
Entries with the tag ‘seashell’
Entries containing the word ‘paint’

Hot Glue Card

flickr Pavla Hot Glue Card

In the detailed instruction is said that you can use any 3D medium and because I have already presented hot glue ideas for similar things I have called the card hot glue card :)


Hot Glue Card (Tutorial for my 3D technique) (photo tutorial)
More precise explanation about the making and the medium in the blog entry ‘3D-effect painting tutorial’, scroll down to ‘Note on supplies’.

Here at unikatissima:
Entries containing the word ‘hot glue’