Cardboard Loom

CraftyPod Cardboard Loom

I presented before a cardboard box loom (ok, and the cardboard heddle loom and the quick & easy bead loom and the cardboard weave II ;-)), but I find these cardboard looms here brilliant!


Cardboard Loom (A Community Weaving Project at the Museum of Contemporary Craft)
via: Cardboard looms and Vacation Weaving

Here at unikatissima:
Cardboard Box Loom
Cardboard Heddle Loom
Quick & Easy Bead Loom
Cardboard Weave II

Inkle Loom Weave Pattern Generator

The Carolingian Realm Inkle Loom Weave Pattern Generator

While searching for generators I also found the inkle loom weave pattern generator.
Here you can relate different colours to the different slots of the inkle loom and see directly how the band will look.
That’s useful :)

By the way, the Kumihimo pattern planner works in the same way, only for Kumihimo cords ;-)


Inkle Loom Plain-Weave Pattern Generator
Google image search result for ‘inkle loom’

Here at unikatissima:
Entries with the tag ‘generator’
Kumihimo Pattern Planner

Needle Woven Purse

craftster Needle Woven Purse

I busied myself with ‘needle weaving’ before, it was about a necklace and I’ve said that it would be suitable for little purses.
And – ta-da – I’m finding a tutorial on how to weave a purse with it.
Well, I’m ahead of the times ;-)))


Needle Woven Purse (Pin woven pocket (with pseudo-tutorial))

Here at unikatissima:
African Needle Weaving Necklace

Tablet or Card Weaving

unikatissima Tablet Weave Card Weave

There’s a technique I haven’t tried yet although I have on my list for a very long time, and that’s tablet or card weaving.
It’s a very old technique I learned to know first in Museumsdorf Düppel, the reconstruction of an 800 year old village.
With card weaving you can make soo wonderful straps, similar to Kumihimo (but only similar! ;-)).
I’m at the point ‘already’ where I looked for some instructions (see links below) ;-)

Basic Tablet Weaving
Cardweaving Made Easy
The original site doesn’t exist any more and is now only available through: Cardweaving Made Easy

Linklist for ‘Tablet weaving’ incl a list of instructions
Google search result for ‘card weaving’
Google image search result for ‘card weaving’

Flinkhands Brettchenweben (German): click through to what you are interested in
Flinkhand’s card weaving beginners tutorial at creadoo (German)
The original site doesn’t exist any more and is now only available through webarchive: Flinkhand’s card weaving beginners tutorial at creadoo (German)
Card weaving tutorial (German)
Card weaving tutorial (German)

Wikipedia article: Museumsdorf Düppel (German)

Here at unikatissima: Entries with the tag ‘Kumihimo’

Cardboard Weave II

Cardboard Weave II

While surfing I found mini or hand-held looms (see links below), which I find very interesting, because 1st I don’t have much place at home and 2nd I know that I don’t weave, I just try it once in a while ;-))
On the photo you see the front and back side of my little woven patch.


Cardboard Weave II I would never actually buy a loom, therefore I made me one from – guess… – yes: cardboard! ;-)
On the photo you see me threading the loom in one direction.


Cardboard Weave II
Then I thread my cardboard loom in the other direction.


Cardboard Weave II That’s the way my cardboard loom looks at the back side.


Cardboard Weave II Now I’m weaving in one direction.


Cardboard Weave II And here I’m weaving in the other direction.


Cardboard Weave II After having finished with weaving I crochet an edging to neaten the edge.

The first photo shows back and front side of the finished little piece.


At Weavettes:
How to weave on a mini loom (English) (via

The original site doesn’t exist any more and is now available through webarchive:
At Weavettes:
How to weave on a mini loom (English) (via

At eLoomaNation: Big Ideas from Little Looms:
Get ideas what to do with your patches

Get basic woman measurement charts for clothing patterns at the website of Jessica Tromp just as for the Clothes From Crocheted Medaillons

Crazy Daisies II

Crazy Daisies Scarf

I continued to play around with the Crazy Daisies. It is so much fun and I’m working on a Crazy Daisy Scarf. On the photo you see my scarf.


Crazy Daisies II One thing I found out is that I love the little flowers much more without any edging. Therefore I’m joining them while working.
I’m measuring the yarn and wind the daisy. In doing so I’m pulling the thread immediately through the loops of the previous daisies using a blunt tapestry needle.
It takes a little longer, but this way I don’t have to assemble later and avoid the problem of hiding the ends.


Crazy Daisies II The other thing I played around with is another cardboard loom. In my first Crazy Daisy entry I used a cardboard version of the ice-cream-lid-loom.
Later I found other daisy looms and created my cardboard version of it. It works very well.


Crazy Daisies II
My cardboard loom consists of 2 cardboard disks. I taped them together and put 12 pins between both disks. I can then wind a daisy and when finished I pull the pins out. For the next daisy I put the pins back in my cardboard loom.
Note: I found out, that the disks must be very tightly taped, otherwise the pins fall out.
I always use the same pin holes and this way the tape won’t be damaged. I used my well taped cardboard loom over and over and don’t have any problems with the pins.
This way I can make my loom on the spur of the moment in the shape and size I need at the moment. I also tried a square one and the square daisies looked also nice.

unikatissima’s Crazy Daisies

Butterfly Loom

Butterfly Loom

At the website of where I found the Crazy Daisies I also found the Butterfly Loom.
As always I didn’t want to buy something without knowing if I will use it ever again and cut my butterfly loom in different sizes from cardboard as you can see on the photo.
It worked out very well, but although I’m always coming back to different kinds of weave I think I’d never be patient enough to actually create something with this technique. It’s a pity.

Links: Butterfly Loom

via at The Butterfly Loom:
Patterns for the Butterfly Loom
Joining Butterfly Loom Motifs

You can also find a description, faq’s and a gallery of items made with their Butterfly Loom

Here at unikatissima:
Crazy Daisies