Sweater Scarf

Spun Magazine Sweater Arm Scarf

Once I found an instruction on how to make a scarf from felted old sweaters but the website doesn’t exist anymore.
The photo is from the website, click to enlarge.


That’s how they did it:

  1. Wash sweaters from 100% wool (mohair works fine, too) with some laundry detergent.
  2. Felt in dryer.
    Felting makes the fabric so dense that it doesn’t unravel when cut.
  3. Cut stripes from the sweaters in the width you want the scarf to be.
    The lengths will vary depending on the part of the sweater where you cut the piece.
    In the instruction they used mainly the arms.
  4. Eventually simply sew the pieces together, whether with a sewing machine or by hand.
    The seam can be used as a decorating element.
  5. The scarf can subsequently be embellished: with buttons, felted flowers, beads, pom-poms, fringes, embroidery and so on.

In fact I would like to have a cardigan-kind garment made with this technique, no scarf.
Therefore I went to several second hand stores to look for wool sweaters but found mostly sweaters from artificial material which don’t felt.
But I stay tuned ;-)

The original website that doesn’t exist anymore

Here at unikatissima: Entries with the tag ‘felting’

Swatch Bangle

See Me Knit Swatch Bangle

Another beautiful idea: if you knit something you often knit a swatch first.
You can collect these swatches and in the course of time get enough for a blanket.
But you can also make a swatch bangle, matching your sweater :))
For that purpose you simply sew the swatch around a ready-made bracelet.
If you don’t have aready-made bracelet you can also make the bracelet yourself from a plastic bottle (see the knitted/crocheted bangles) or from paper (see the bracelet from recycled paper) :)


Swatch Bangle (So, a few days ago, …)
via: Swatch Bangle

Here at unikatissima:
Knitted/Crocheted Bangles
Bracelet from Recycled Paper

Recycled Smocked Wrist Warmers

Betz White Recycled Smocked Wrist Warmers

It’s not yet really warm everywhere. You can still use a recycled wrist warmer. And much better, if you can change a boring ribbed wrist warmer in such a simple way into a nice smocked wrist warmer ;-)

By the way: this wrist warmer isn’t knitted, but sewn from an old sweater!


Recycled Smocked Wrist Warmers (Tucked Ribbing Tutorial)

Here at unikatissima:
Entries containing the words ‘wrist’ and ‘warmer’

Recycled Yarns

Recycled Yarns

I really like to crochet (ok, to knit also, but not soo much ;-)).
Anyhow, the yarns are quite expensive.
Therefore I was thrilled when I found the article ‘Recycling yarn / Unravelling thrift store sweaters’. In addition I found a tutorial on how to unravel a sweater.
Equipped with this new know-how I am anxious for the next thrift store visit ;-))
And then I will see to it to get some Kool-Aid or other food colouring to dye my newly achieved yarns myself as taught (amongst others) by knitty.com.
And if it works well, I will give self-made self-striping yarn a try (found via ‘Watermelon Socks’).
This will be better than my previously mentioned coloured yarns. And I think as much fun as the other recycled yarn made from plastic bags.

I’m curious about when I will find the time (and the place! ;-)) to do all this, but it is fixed on my to-do and to-try lists ;-)

Recycling yarn / Unravelling thrift store sweaters
Tutorial on how to unravel a sweater

Dying wool with food colouring
(For other tutorials google for ‘dye kool-aid’)

Self-made self-striping yarn
(via ‘Watermelon Socks’)

unikatissima’s entries:
Coloured yarns
Recycled yarn made from plastic bags