Via a craftster thread (Inga’s Häkelbeutel ~ German Granny Square Bag (CAL)) I found the tutorial for Inga’s Häkelbeutel (PDF ~140 KB).
The Granny square bag is to be found everywhere in internet and I understand why, because it is a brilliant idea.
On the photo I took my Lacy Crochet Square Margarethe from the day before yesterday and assembled it (digitally) to Inga’s Häkelbeutel – I haven’t had time yet to do it ‘for real’.
Looks good anyhow, doesn’ it?
At craftster: Inga’s Häkelbeutel ~ German Granny Square Bag (CAL) (‘CAL’ means ‘Crochet Along’: everybody crochet the same thing and later they compare the results)
Inga’s Häkelbeutel (PDF ~140 KB – Englisch)
Inga’s Häkelbeutel (PDF ~140 KB – German)