Design Paper Snowflakes

RectangleWorld Design Paper Snowflakes

You need as different paper snow­flakes as possible for the paper snow­flake mobile of yesterday.
And before cutting them you can design the paper snowflakes!
Aren’t they great? :)

Or take simply a look at the previously presented paper snowflakes ;-)


Design Paper Snowflakes (Paper Snowflake Maker)

Here at unikatissima:
Paper Snowflake Mobile
Entries with the tags ‘paper’ and ‘snowflake’

Glue Gun Snowflakes

Muslin and Merlot Glue Gun Snowflakes

A nice idea: make with a glue gun snowflakes and colour them with nail polish :)

But you can make much more with a glue gun :)


Glue Gun Snowflakes (Glue Gun Snowflakes!)
via: Unbelievably Cool Things You Can Make With A Glue Gun – 1. DIY Glue Gun Snow Flakes
via: Artisanat amusant à faire avec un pistolet à colle chaude…

Here at unikatissima:
Entries containing the word ‘glue gun’

Crocheted Snowflakes Scarf

Crocheted Snowflakes Scarf

Such a nice delicate crocheted snowflakes scarf.
And for summer you can crochet the crocheted flower shawl for yourself ;-)


Crocheted Snowflakes Scarf (Snowflakes scarf – for G’s teachers gifts with reflection unit scarf crochet pattern women)
=> unfortunately I haven’t found the original instruction

Here at unikatissima:
Crocheted Flower Shawl