Fabric Origami

unikatissima Fabric Origami

Recently a friend had the idea to make some Origami with fabric but the fabric didn’t fold properly.
Some research showed that there are more people who do this and that they simply stiffen the fabric with starch or fabric stiffener.
And then (it seems!) that you can simply start folding… :)
By the way there seem even to be two groups: those who incorporate their Origami fabric in their quilts and those who fold other things like wallets.
Unfortunately I don’t have much fabric (because of the design) that I could use for Origami folding and I won’t surely begin to build up a fabric stash here, but somehow…

At instructables: Fabric Origami Quilt Block

At Origami Resource Center: Fabric folding – scroll down to about the center until ‘Fabric Origami Quilts’ and ‘Fabric Origami’

Fabric Origami – under ‘Technique’ you can find more ideas about what to do with ‘solid fabric’: stamping, maschine embroidery, lamination etc.