You may have seen it already, I changed the layout of the blog :)
In the right navigation bar you can still find a lot of informtion about the blog, but hopefully better organized now and made to show and hide (simply click or
, resp.).
The most important innovations there are the sections
- Completely up to date where I can leave important news for you,
- Recent english comments where you can see the most recent five comments of the english unikatissima blog and a link to all english comments and
- Recent german comments where you can find the most recent five comments from the german unikatissima blog.
This may come handy because they give frequently interesting suggestions that you should know about, too ;-))
The left navigation bar is kept unchanged.
And I added a menu bar at the top – that is the preparation on what will come but possibly is already of help to you now ;-)
I wish you continued fun with unikatissima