Individually Shaped Cards

unikatissima Shaped Card

I found an instruction on how to make shaped cards.
I really liked the flower cards e.g., but I’m more one for thinking in words than in pictures. All I could think about when needing a ‘Get well soon card’ was therefore making a card from the letters G and B (in German, ‘Get well soon’ is ‘Gute Besserung’) ;-)


unikatissima Shaped Card (Click picture to enlarge)
I joined them with an embroidery stitch (running stitch back and forth) and embroidered some little ‘flowers’ ( I looove embroidery on paper ;-)).

I like it and I hope that it ‘helps’ ;-)

Two more views of the card:

unikatissima Shaped Card unikatissima Shaped Card

Creating Shaped Cards
via Nuttnhoney Great Tutorials

Instruction on how to make the Running Stitch
Instruction on how to make the Running Stitch (Vorstich) (German)

Here at unikatissima: Paper Crazy Quilt