I don’t remember what I was searching for, but then I found the tips and hints for making gourd purses.
A little more research showed more gourd crafts at the same site and even a site only dedicated to the subject of making your own gourd purse making your own gourd purse.
There you can find more instructions, for coiled rims from seagrass coiled rims from seagrass or pine needles pine needles e.g.
I find them all most beautiful but (fortunately?!) ;-)) I can’t get no gourds, otherwise I could be tempted to try this, too ;-)
At All Free Crafts:
At Southeast Texas Gourd Patch (see left navigation bar there):
Tutorial moved:
At Southeast Texas Gourd Patch (see left navigation bar there):
Google search result for ‘gourd purse’
Google image search result for ‘gourd purse’
Here at unikatissima: Coil a Basket