Acryl Coloured Fabric

Acryl Coloured Fabric

As I found the tutorial on how to dye fabric with acryl colours I was thrilled, because I think that this way I can colour my fabric just the way I want.
I tried it immediately, but I have to work on it some more (and I will! ;-))
In a second entry Debra showed what she did with the paper towels she used to clean her workspace: isn’t it stunning?

Hand-dyed Fabric Trims
Dyed Paper Towels for Paper and Fabric Arts

Recycled Yarns

Recycled Yarns

I really like to crochet (ok, to knit also, but not soo much ;-)).
Anyhow, the yarns are quite expensive.
Therefore I was thrilled when I found the article ‘Recycling yarn / Unravelling thrift store sweaters’. In addition I found a tutorial on how to unravel a sweater.
Equipped with this new know-how I am anxious for the next thrift store visit ;-))
And then I will see to it to get some Kool-Aid or other food colouring to dye my newly achieved yarns myself as taught (amongst others) by
And if it works well, I will give self-made self-striping yarn a try (found via ‘Watermelon Socks’).
This will be better than my previously mentioned coloured yarns. And I think as much fun as the other recycled yarn made from plastic bags.

I’m curious about when I will find the time (and the place! ;-)) to do all this, but it is fixed on my to-do and to-try lists ;-)

Recycling yarn / Unravelling thrift store sweaters
Tutorial on how to unravel a sweater

Dying wool with food colouring
(For other tutorials google for ‘dye kool-aid’)

Self-made self-striping yarn
(via ‘Watermelon Socks’)

unikatissima’s entries:
Coloured yarns
Recycled yarn made from plastic bags

Extract Dye From Plants

Extract Dye From Plants

At eHow you can find a lot of instructions on how to extract dyes from plants or parts of plants and so forth.
One instruction is e.g. ‘How to Extract Dye From Leaves and Grass’.
I tried some of them with different results, some worked better then others.
But unfortunately I didn’t record what I did, so if I needed some dye today I had to start from scratch.
That way everything stays interesting for me ;-)))

eHow: A website with how-tos galore
How to Extract Dye From Leaves and Grass
Search results for ‘extract dye’ at eHow