While surfing the internet I found this necklace and found it amazing.
I thought that it should be easy to made: you make the mdedaillons with flat round Peyote (see links below) just as for the bottom of the beaded bottle, but then you work the pattern back again.
This way you get a slightly thicker medaillon in place of a flat disk.
Unfortunately I’m not so good concerning colours and so I’m not really satisfied with my own medaillon (see photo).
Perhaps I should have printed and coloured in one of the graphs (see links below) to use this as template?!
One day I really will do this ;-)
Tutorials for flat round Peyote and graphs:
Flat Round Peyote Stitch Step by Step Tutorial (English) – tutorial
Flat Round Peyote Stitch – Beading Graph Paper (English) – graph
Hexagonal Flat Peyote Worked In Rounds (English) – tutorial and graph
Rundes Peyote mit variabler Perlenanzahl (German) – tutorial, click there on ‘Rund-Peyote’
Google search result for ‘flat round peyote’
Google image search result for ‘flat round peyote’
Here at unikatissima:
Beaded Bottle
Peyote Variations
Wrap a Rock
Entries with the tag ‘Peyote’