I found two tutorials on how to make a hairpin lace loom (see links below) and because I hadn’t the appropriate material at hand (in fact that’s strange seeing all the stuff I have lying here about ;-)) I did it a little different:
I took two toilet paper tubes, cut them lengthwise, rolled them up strongly and taped them all around.
Then I pricked two metal kebeb skewers through those thick cardboard rolls: my hairpin lace loom was done!
At last I could give hairpin lace a try and it – worked.
That is to say that I haven’t read the hairpin lace instruction at stichdiva thoroughly(!) and therefore it didn’t work in the beginning.
They write ‘Insert hook under thread of topmost loop’, but for me it isn’t the topmost thread (blue arrow) but the foremost thread (red arrow).
After I took the foremost thread everything worked fine.
At the moment I don’t have the time for it but in future I will play around with hairpin lace :)
Instructions for self-made hairpin lace looms:
Instruction at ehow – from metal
there you can find further down (Resources) links to hair pin lace tutorials
Instruction at Little Projects – from bamboo skewers and hot glue sticks
via: DIY Hairpin Lace Loom: the link isn’t available no more.
Tutorial for base hairpin lace at stitchdiva
Google search result for ‘hair pin lace’
Google image search result for ‘hair pin lace’
Google search result for ‘Gabelhäkelei’
Google image search result for ‘Gabelhäkelei’