Every Week a Freeform Scrumble

Prudence Mapstone A Scrumble a Week

The grande dame of freeform has a blog where she presents every week a freeform scrumble, viz. a piece worked in freeform that can form a whole item together with others.
I liked the scrumble on the picture best :)

Every Week a Freeform Scrumble (Prudence Mapstone A Scrumble a Week)
Photo from scrumble # 30

Knot Just Knitting – freeform knitting & crochet by Prudence Mapstone, see there in the upper neavigation list ‘what is freeform’

Here at unikatissima:
Freeform Needlework

Beautiful Filet Crochet Patterns

Project Gutenberg-Ladies Work-Book Filet Crochet

Another discovery at Project Gutenberg: The Ladies’ Work-Book – Containing Instructions In Knitting, Crochet, Point-Lace, &c. Unfortunately I don’t know when it was published.
You can find there very interesting patterns, e.g. beautiful filet crochet patterns as on the picture.
One day…

Project Gutenberg
The Ladies’ Work-Book – Knitting, Crochet, Point-Lace, &c.

Freeform Needlework

Freeform Needlework

I enjoy working freeform, that means that I don’t know how the crafted item will look in the end.
Although the choice of materials gives me a pretty good idea about the general appearance ;-)

One amazing application for freeform is needlework, just freeform crochet or freeform knitting, but I prefer doing both on the same item.

Once I wrote a (german) tutorial that can be found at creadoo: Faszinierendes Freeform.
A very good english tutorial can be found at knotjustknitting.com while clicking on ‘what is freeform’ in the navigation list.

creadoo: A german craft community
Faszinierendes Freeform: A (german) tutorial on freeform needlework

knotjustknitting.com – A website dedicated to freeform crochet
An english freeform tutorial can be reached by clicking on ‘what is freeform’ in the navigation list