Crocheted Bruges Lace

Ars Una Species Mille Crochet Bruges Lace

I’m planning for a certain time to try crocheted Bruges Lace but found it always a little old fashioned – until I saw amongst others the photos.
Oddly enough I don’t find them old fashioned at all ;-)

I then researched a little further and found a most beautiful little cap and a very impressive opera coat.

Well, we will see.
And if it doesn’t work I will make a scarf from ;-))

Photos from Ars Una, Species Mille
via: Google image search result for ‘bruges lace’

Bruges Crochet – beautiful cap (for a larger picture click there on photo)
Bruges crochet opera coat

Instruction for crocheted Lace of the Bruges (Crocheted Lace of the Bruges)
=> scroll down for different patterns

Here at unikatissima:
Tea Dyed Doily Scarf

Crochet Shawl

Makhina Crochet Shawl

Again such a wonderful item I’ll never finish in my life! This time a shawl in a – as I find – very interesting crochet stitch which is a ‘refinement’ of the so-called Puff stitch (I think that it is in German Büschelmasche).

I have the feeling that if one is about to begin now one can finish the shawl until summer ;-))

Crochet Shawl (Tig isi fistikli sal yapimi) (Turkish and English)

Instruction for Puff Stitch (Puff Stitch) (English)
Instruction for Büschelmasche (Die Büschelmasche) (German)

Crochet Sachets

Crochet Sachets

I don’t know the name of this crochet pattern but I find it very nice.
I would’ve liked to crochet a sommer top with it but I’d never finish it.
Such a crochet sachet is therefore the right thing for me to work a little on the pattern ;-))
And it’s very apt to be a little gift and/or soap sachet.

Folder named ‘Sachets’
Photo of two crochet sachets
Diagrams for two crochet sachets

Lacy Floral Crochet Square

Lacy Floral Crochet Square

Recently I presented the crocheted bolero, now a tablecloth (or afghan) made of crocheted squares. Even if the magazin where the instruction comes from seems to be a little oldfashioned I really like the pattern.

Lacy Floral Crochet Square – photo
Lacy Floral Crochet Square – instruction

Here at unikatissima:
Crocheted Bolero
Clothes From Crocheted Medaillons
Square ‘n’ Fair – Lacy Crochet Square Margarethe
Crochet Joining
Beverage Carton Crochet

Delta Crochet

creadoo Delta Crochet

One thing that I wanted to try for a long time already is Delta crochet: it looks very easy and I like the result ;-)

But I guess anyhow that this is one of the techniques where I get bored much too fast – it’s always the same.
Well, it’s a pity ;-)

Delta Crochet Techniques (English)
Delta Crochet (Delta – Häkelei) (German)

Examples that I liked:
Triangle shawl in delta crochet (Delta Breeze) (English)
Scarf in delta crochet (Piccolo Scarf Pattern) (English)
Doilies and the like in delta crochet (Delta Crochet Patterns) (English)

Google search result for ‘Delta Crochet’
Google image search result for ‘Delta Crochet’

Google search result for ‘Delta häkeln’
Google image search result for ‘Delta häkeln’

Crochet Cables

unikatissima Crochet Cable

Recently I ‘discovered’ crochet cables via the ravelry group ‘Crochet Celtic Cables’.
I knew them for long but up until now I never found them very nice.
This is different now ;-))
They seem to be as versatile as their knitted ‘siblings’ and I will surely get back to them once more.


unikatissima Crochet Cable
Crochet Cables – Fun and Effective
Crocheting Cables Photo How-To
Cabled Embroidered Purse
Crocheting Cables – 6 stitches
Adventuring Sage Cable Vest
Even an instruction for Tunisian crochet cables:
ARNie’s Method for Working Tunisian Crochet Cables

Google Suchergebnis für ‘crochet cable’
Google Bildsuchergebnis für ‘crochet cable’


Beverage Carton Crochet

(Click photo to enlarge)
Once I’ve seen a fashion photo where I’ve been really impressed by the garment.
Recently, when I drank my apple juice, I thought: ‘Yes, that’s the right material in the right colour for this!’


Therefore I figured out how to make it.

And that’s what you do:

First cut the (washed! ;-)) beverage carton in pieces and, if you like, you can arrange the pieces in a pattern that suits you best (best done on a stiff pad, then you can carry it away carefully, if necessary).

I cut my pieces just as I liked to (there is another garment), but regular shapes, square e.g. are not bad either. They were used in yet another garment (here a detail photo).


I didn’t arrange anything and on this photo I’m checking whether the piece fits at this place.


Subsequently prick holes into the cardboard. Try to get a regular spacing between the holes.

Please note that the holes may not be placed too closely to the edge!
I had to throw away some of my snippets because the thread ripped the hole.


That’s how my snippet looked like after the piercing from both sides.
The cardboard has a nice silver coloured internal coating which makes also the backside look good.


Afterwards I took my pierced snippet and surrounded it using a tapestry needle with button hole stitches with cotton thread.


The surrounding is finished.

I worked quite loosely to 1. get on easier with the crochet (see next step) and 2. keep my snippet in shape.


Afterwards I crocheted single crochet stitches single crochet stitches around the surrounding thread with the same thread.
Mostly I crocheted 2 single crochet stitches, sometimes even 3.
At the corners I crocheted 1 to 2 chain stitches chain stitches between the single crochets.


I then worked chains chains of about 5 stitches into the single crochets.


I joined the chains chains with the chains of the already finished item immediately when crocheting.


That’s what I’ve done until now.
I can imagine making a sommer vest from it, a belt or the top flap of a cute purse.
But I haven’t decided yet ;-))


My inspiration at Marella Ferrera Alta Moda:
Fall/Winter 98/99 – L’Isola dei Ciclopi
Fall/Winter 03/04 – Isola di Terracotta
Fall/Winter 03/04 – Isola di Ceramica
Fall/Winter 03/04 – Isola di Ceramica – Detail

Embroidery stitches:
Button hole stitch instruction (English)
Button hole stitch instruction (German)

Crochet stitches:
Chain (English)
The original site doesn’t exist any more and is now available through webarchive:
Chain (English)
Chain (German)

Single crochet (English)
The original site doesn’t exist any more and is now available through webarchive:
Single crochet (English)
Single crochet (German)

Here at unikatissima:
Crochet Joining
Clothes From Crocheted Medaillons

Roll or Bullion Stitch

unikatissima Crochet Bullion Stitch

This stitch is beautiful, but it needs getting used to ;-)
I like it especially in freeform needlework.

Fortunately it is (theoretical) learnable, e.g. in this tutorial on how to make the bullion stitch.
The description sounds easy, doesn’t it? ;-)
I break my fingers and knot my thread in any case ;-)

There are much more instructions (perforce ;-)), by googling for the bullion stitch e.g. you get lots of help.
Unfortunately you still must crochet it your self ;-))

Roll or Bullion Stitch
Google search result for ‘how to crochet bullion stitch’
Google image search result for ‘how to crochet bullion stitch’

Here at unikatissima:
Freeform Needlework

The Crazy Stitch

The Crazy Stitch

I found the Crazy Stitch mentioned in several crochet instructions. Therefore I wanted to know how to crochet it ;-)
At I found a good tutorial on how to crochet the Crazy Stitch (with explaining photos which I find always a great help).
On the photo I used the stitch to crochet a short scarf with a thick crochet hook and several yarns put together. It become very thick and thus a little stiff. Next time I’d use a little less yarns.

Links: A website with lots of information about crochet
Instructions on how to crochet the Crazy Stitch