I like the cheerfulness of this colourful acrylic tray :)
Colourful Acrylic Tray (Easy but Gorgeous DIY Acrylic Tray)
via: 10 DIY Acrylic Trays And Ways To Spruce Them Up
…compilation of tutorials
I like the cheerfulness of this colourful acrylic tray :)
Colourful Acrylic Tray (Easy but Gorgeous DIY Acrylic Tray)
via: 10 DIY Acrylic Trays And Ways To Spruce Them Up
Doesn’t the colour pencil coaster looks great? :)
Colour Pencil Coaster (Colored Pencil DIY Coaster Gifts For Teachers)
Aren’t the dip dyed tassels nice? :)
Dip Dyed Tassels (Kool-Aid Dip Dye Tassel Wall Hanging)
via: 15 Creative and Easy DIY Projects Made With Yarn – Kool Aid Dip Dye Tassel Wall Hanging
wall art
Cute, the tissue paper Christmas cards, aren’t they?
Actually just as the other ideas with tissue paper :)
Tissue Paper Christmas Cards (Bleeding Tissue Paper Art)
via: Tissue Paper Crafts: 50 DIY Ideas You Can Make With the Kids
=> scroll down to ‘Did you know that you can also create artworks by melting tissue paper?’
Here at unikatissima:
Entries containing the word ‘tissue paper’
I think that I will try this 10 minute wall art one day :)
If this is not your cup of tea, try the marbled wall art (again) or any other wall art here in the blog :)
10 Minute Wall Art (10 Minute Decorating – DIY Art Anyone Can Make (and a Fun Way to Organize Jewelry))
Here at unikatissima:
Marbled Wall Art
Entries containing the word ‘wall art’
This coloured play dough has been coloured with markers – great idea! :)
Possibly that can also be made with the other play dough ideas here in the blog?!
Coloured Play Dough (Soft Homemade PlayDough Recipe)
via: Homemade no cook rainbow playdough
Here at unikatissima:
Entries with the tag ‘play dough’
The tissue paper wall art is another so-called ‘kid’s craft’ technique that I find also great for me :)
Tissue Paper Wall Art (Kids Craft: Tissue Painted Canvas)
via: Crafting with Kids
via: Creative Fun For All Ages With Easy DIY Wall Art Projects
=> scroll down to 6.“Painting” with tissue paper
Isn’t the faux feathers necklace beautiful?! :)
Faux Feathers Necklace (faux feathers necklace)
via: 5 Fabulous DIY Feather Jewelry Projects
=> scroll down to Alisa Burke…
Spring comes soon, so one could make such a colourful terrace…
Colourful Terrace (DiY: farbenfrohes Terrassen-Makeover) (German and English)
via: Colorful Terrace Makeover
Aren’t the painted cork boards nice?
And round ;-)
And useful! :)
bemalten (DIY Painted Bulletin Boards)
via: DIY Painted Bulletin Boards