Bead Knitting

Bead Knitting

Bead knitting is such an interesting technique I wanted to present here (for links see below). Mostly it seems to be used for elegant little bags. I tried it on a cover for a jar to create a special jar for special sweets ;-)

Free Introductory Patterns for Bead Knitted Bags

Tips for First Time Bead Knitters
How to Transfer Beads to Knitting Thread (with explaining photos)

If you didn’t buy a hank of beads see also my entry ‘Making a Bead Spinner’

Bead Knitted Amulet Bag

Knitting in Beads and Buttons (simple technique for pony beads and buttons)

Rose Bag

Rose Bag

One day I found this tutorial on how to make a Rose bag – stunning!
I’d love to crochet it one day, but up until now I didn’t get further than the Irish rose on the photo ;-)
(I know that the Rose bag isn’t done as Irish Rose, but it looks like ;-))


Tutorial on how to make a Rose bag

Irish Rose:
Two-Layer Irish Crochet Rose Free Pattern

Translations of Crochet Terms

Clothesline Crochet

Clothesline Crochet

I mentioned the clothesline crochet before when I described the Simple Cro-Tat.
But because I find clothesline crochet a handy technique when I want to work something stiff (for a little bowl e.g.) I wanted to present the tutorial on how to make clothesline crochet in the round with its own entry (tutorial see links below).
Priscilla Hewitt has also other clothesline crochet tutorials and tipps about what yarns and what clothesline to use (see links below).

On the photo you see my attempt on crocheting such a little bowl.
I used quite a thick string and crocheted with crochet cotton, which is rather thin.
Because I’m always working very loosely, I could never have created a bowl with this yarn.
The clothesline crochet technique made it possible.

Tutorial on how to make clothesline crochet in the round
Other clothesline crochet tutorials and tipps

Addendum of February 2009: The links above don’t work anymore, you can find the instructions for the clothesline crochet now as PDF (about 540 KB) at Priscilla’s Crochet – Free Pattern Index, check there for ‘Clothesline Crochet’.

Here at unikatissima:
Simple Cro-Tat

Paper folded bracelet

Paper folded bracelet

Of course you don’t see the bracelet on the photo, but my first and only attempt to make such a bracelet.
Better look at the photos in the tutorial on how to make a Starburst wrapper bracelet at
After I’ve finished the little piece on the photo I had enough – it’s such a fiddly work ;-)
If you like this technique, try the tutorial on how to make a wrapper purse!

Links: A website with sooo many craft ideas, inspirations and tutorials
Starburst Wrapper Bracelet
Chip Wrapper Purse Instructions

Beaded Amulet Bag

Beaded Amulet Bag

Sharon Bateman shows very interesting beading loom techniques on her website. One of them is an instruction on how to make an amulet bag with a so-called tube-aloo. This tube-aloo is nothing else then a clear tube.
I once tried this technique with a toilet paper tube. I think that the clear tube-aloo is easier to use, but for a try the toilet paper tube really was sufficient.
Because I don’t use amulet bags and still have no idea what else to do with such a little bag I didn’t finish my bag ;-)
But it was an interesting experience and I found the technique not only easy to work but actually ingenious.

Sharon Bateman
Beaded Amulet Bag

Plastic Bag Tote

Plastic Bag Tote

At Marlo’s Crochet Corner I eventually found instructions on how to cut a plastic bag to get the ‘yarn’ for crocheting and/or knitting. She also provides an instruction on how to crochet a tote.
Once I crocheted a purse with such yarn and it worked very well, but as always I didn’t take any photo ;-(
The purse was quite stiff (which I find appropriate for a purse ;-)).
I think about making plastic yarn (plarn) and working freeform with it, but I still have no idea what to make, because items knitted of crocheted with plastic bag yarn tend to get big.

Marlo’s Crochet Corner
Plastic Bag Tote
Cutting the plastic bag ‘yarn’

Here at unikatissima:
Freeform Needlework

Fabric from Plastic Bags

Fabric from Plastic Bags

What you see here ist a Makeup bag made entirely from plastic bag fabric that I found on The one who made the bag links to the tutorial on how to make sewable fabric from plastic bags.
Once I tried this technique but it didn’t work as supposed. I think I put my iron at a too high temperature. Or possibly the bags I tried to fuse were made from different plastics and therefore incompatible.
I will try it again – one day soon ;-)

Links: A giant craftsters community
Makeup bag made entirely from plastic bag fabric
Make sewable fabric from plastic bags