Your newest doll surely needs an individual face ;-)
Doll Faces (free doll face patterns)
Here at unikatissima:
Entries with the tag ‘doll’
…compilation of tutorials
Your newest doll surely needs an individual face ;-)
Doll Faces (free doll face patterns)
Here at unikatissima:
Entries with the tag ‘doll’
If you want to make your own fabric doll, like the silly little doll or for beaded art dolls, you may be interested in the tutorial for quick dolls :)
Quick Dolls (Tut: Dolls in less than 2h.)
Here at unikatissima:
Silly Little Doll
Beaded Art Dolls
When seeing the instructions for pipe cleaner dolls I must think of my times at kindergarten ;-))
Although I really don’t find the dolls childish!
It seems that you can play with paper dolls also, if you’re no child anymore ;-)
By the way, I find some of them great :)
On the photo is one of the first Beaded Art Dolls I’ve ever seen and it impressed me deeply.
I always wanted to make one but haven’t had the time yet.
Up until now I only made my freeform bead embroidery ;-)
But I looked for ‘Bead Art Doll’ already ;-)
In doing so I found a mermaid and a butterfly craftalong (in a craftalong several people work on the same project and compare notes). Furthermore I found a most beautiful bird, a blog entry on the subject of ‘Beaded Art Dolls’ and several wonderful finished Beaded Art Dolls, where I like most the Wise One and the little Alien Doll.
If you want to make one, too, you can get patterns for the dolls here.
Beaded Art Doll on the photo (Coral beaded art doll (first ever!))
Mermaid beaded art doll craftalong with descriptions
Butterfly beaded art doll craftalong with descriptions
As inspiration:
Blog entry (Use Beads as Art:Beaded Art Dolls)
Photos of Beaded Art Dolls
Wise One
Alien Doll
Google image search result for ‘bead art doll’
Free patterns: Doll Forms & Figures – you find the links on the top left: FREE PATTERNS! Bird Goddess, Tiny Goddess, Butterfly Goddess
Here at unikatissima:
Freeform Bead Embroidery
I presented already the necklace bust and the mini dress-form jewelry stand, now here another just as well idea: a plaster board with cast in doll arms.
It get’s more and more difficult to decide where to put your jewelry, doesn’t it? ;-))
Plaster and Doll Arms Jewelry Holder (Jewelry Holder)
Here at unikatissima:
Necklace Bust
Mini Dress-Form Jewelry Stand
This little doll conquered my heart immediately! :)
I will have to see if I find the right fabric for it ;-)
Photo: Silly Little Doll
Pattern: Silly Little Doll Pattern
I found some ‘dolls’ that I find really beautiful: it must be great fun to make them: Crazy Quilt, embroidery, sewing, Shisha stitches, all included.
And looots of fantasie ;-)
Inner Child Dolls
Here at unikatissima:
Paper Crazy Quilt
Crazy Quilt Photo Frame
Shisha Stitch
Entries with the tag ’embroidery’
Entries with the tag ‘sewing’
I found a tutorial on how to make box dolls – stunning!
Something for my to-do-list! :)
Box Dolls by Catherine Moore