The polymer clay napkin rings go well with the tablecloth from yesterday:)
Polymer Clay Napkin Rings (diy faux ceramic napkin rings)
Here at unikatissima:
Hand-dyed Tablecloth
…compilation of tutorials
The polymer clay napkin rings go well with the tablecloth from yesterday:)
Polymer Clay Napkin Rings (diy faux ceramic napkin rings)
Here at unikatissima:
Hand-dyed Tablecloth
I must say: the previously presented napkin rings haven’t been as elegant as these rose napkin rings :)
Rose Napkin Rings (Make Rose Napkin Rings)
Here at unikatissima:
Entries containing the word ‘napkin ring’
I find the hot glue napkin rings cool! ;-)
Hot Glue Napkin Rings (Craft It – Cross Hatch Napkin Rings and Sandwich Wraps)
If you make the belt decorated flower pot of yesterday a table centerpiece then the belt napkin rings would match it greatly :)
Belt Napkin Rings (EcoNapkin Rings – Mixed Up Tooled Leather, Western, Shabby Chic – Set of Eight – OOAK)
via: Belt It Out! Upcycled & Repurposed Belts
via: DIY
Here at unikatissima:
Belt Decorated Flower Pot
With the right buttons you can make your button napkin rings matching every tableware and tablecloth ;-)
Button Napkin Rings (Button Indian Corn Napkin Rings)
That is a nice and quick idea, too: wrap plaster bandages around a glass, let it dry and embellish it :)
Quick Napkin Rings
I have presented the hot glue napkin rings before.
From there it is not far to hot glue rings :)
Hot Glue Ring (Hot Glue Rings)
Here at unikatissima:
Hot Glue Napkin Rings
I find the rabbit napkin really cute – but I think that I would have fixed the little tail at the other side ;-)
Rabbit Napkin (Bunny Rabbit Napkin Folding Tutorial: Great for Easter or a Springtime Tablescape)
Do you still have some cardboard tubes?
What about some simple yet really beautiful napkin holders?
The flower that looks like a rose (Satin Flower) is made in the same technique than the textile roses here, by the way.
Apart from that you can of course use different yarns instead of cord, perhaps even funky yarns?!
Possibly it was fun to use coloured yarns and little plastic toys or Lego pieces as decoration.
And it would look beautiful to make the napkin holders more in the way of the string decorated ornaments, you need less cord then ;-)
But you must paint more ;-))
And then you can always come back to my knitted/crocheted napkin rings ;-), they can be made on a cardboard tube, too, of course.
Simple and Very cool Napkin Holders
via: yine tuvalet kağıdı rulosu
Here at unikatissima:
Textile Roses
String Decorated Ornaments
Knitted/Crocheted Bangles (and Napkin Rings)
Entries containing the word ‘cardboard tube’
I want to make me once such a tree bark bracelet!
It seems that you can use it also greatly as napkin ring and candle holder, two more reasons to look for pieces of fallen off tree bark ;-)
Tree Bark Bracelet (Riesenspielplatz und Rindenwahnsinn.) (German)
via: Upcycling aus Mangel?
Here at unikatissima:
Entries containing the word ‘napkin ring’
Entries with the tag ‘candle’