These metallic vases can be made very quickly and easily – if you have the right metallic paper ;-)
Metallic Vase (DIY Geometric Metallic Vase)
Here at unikatissima:
Entries with the tag ‘paper’
…compilation of tutorials
These metallic vases can be made very quickly and easily – if you have the right metallic paper ;-)
Metallic Vase (DIY Geometric Metallic Vase)
Here at unikatissima:
Entries with the tag ‘paper’
Do you remember the origami vase?
The paper vase is similar – and I find it even a little bit nicer :)
You can find here in the blog also quite different paper vases in the broader sense :)
Paper Vase (Minimal Vase DIY Project from Paper Craft Home)
Here at unikatissima:
Origami Vase
Entries with the tags ‘paper’ and ‘vase’
Other than the polka dot jars the polka dot jar vases are covered with paper mache – and I like them even more :)
The original site doesn’t exist any more.
via: Polka Dot Jar Vases (DIY Paper Mache Golden Polka Dot Vases)
Here at unikatissima:
Polka Dot Jars
Entries with the tag ‘paper mache’
I find this papermaché vase really nice! :)
Papermaché Vase ([Nachmachtipp] Pappmaché Vasen aus Flaschen und Buchseiten) (German)
via: DIY paper maché vase
Well, the faux mosaic vase is actually a mosaic vase, but the mosaics are from paper ;-)
I like it very much :)
Faux Mosaic Vase (Make a Pretty Mock Mosaic Vase)
Here at unikatissima:
Entries with the tag ‘mosaic’
Aren’t these toilet paper roll mini vases cute?
The flowers are of paper and you can adapt the mini vases with the choice of paper to different occasions! :)
Toilet Paper Roll Mini Vases (Celebrations: Paper Flower Party Favors)
via: Paper Flower Favors
I’ve never heard of ‘air vases’ before, but I found them immediately most beautiful!
And there’s even an instruction on how to make such a paper air vase yourself :))
I presented an entry with the title ‘Woven Newspaper Vase’ before, but then it was a completely different woven newspaper vase than here.
I find this woven newspaper vase here very fascinating :)
Woven Newspaper Vase II (Newspaper Vase – Twist Weave)
Here at unikatissima:
Woven Newspaper Vase