Doesn’t the freeform macramé necklace look beautiful?! :)
Freeform Macramé Necklace (Micro Macrame Without Rules)
…compilation of tutorials
Doesn’t the freeform macramé necklace look beautiful?! :)
Freeform Macramé Necklace (Micro Macrame Without Rules)
I have presented the yarn painted greeting card before, but it is made in a differant way than the yarn wall art.
I like both :)
Yarn Wall Art (Yarn Painting.)
Here at unikatissima:
Yarn Painted Greeting Card
I find the crochet hyperbolic sculpture great! :)
By the way, I have presented ‘hyperbolic stuff’ before ;-)
Crochet Hyperbolic Sculpture (Hyperbolic Sculpture: Hyperbolic Freeform Crochet Sculpture)
via: Learn Freeform Crochet: 15 Free Tutorials to Get You Started
via: international freeform forum – ifff — Websites for FF
Here at unikatissima:
Beaded Hyperbolic Planes
TED Talk: Nature, Crochet and Geometry
Crochet Ruffle Ring
I have presented eggshell mosaics already before and I find it also nice as eggshell mosaic vase :)
Eggshell Mosaic Vase (DIY Mosaic Vase from Egg Shells)
Here at unikatissima:
Entries containing the word ‘eggshell mosaic’
To texture polymer clay I have already presented the textured rolling pin and the polymer clay texture sheets, but I find the polymer clay texture balls great! :)
Polymer Clay Texture Ball (Clay Texture Tool, Small RANDOM Sculpture Ball…)
via: Clay Texture Tool, Small RANDOM Sculpture Ball…
Here at unikatissima:
Textured Rolling Pin
Polymer Clay Texture Sheets
For all who rather knit socks than lace knitter’s Advent calendars (what I can’t imagine at all! ;-)), here the scrap yarn sock Advent calendar of 2014.
I find the idea great: you gather your yarn stash and get every day an instruction how much to knit in what colour and/or pattern.
Brilliant! :))
There was also a Scrap Yarn Sock Advent Calendar in 2015, possibly even this year :)
Scrap Yarn Sock Advent Calendar (Jämälankavillasukkajoulukalenteri tulee jälleen! / The Scrap Yarn Sock Advent Calendar is here!) (Finnish and English)
For the start the entry of 1.12.
=> next entries in the right navigation bar under Blogiarkisto-2014-joulukuuta
The picture is from the entry of 24.12.
via: Scrap Yarn Sock Advent Calendar
via: Wie funktionieren diese finnischen Kalendersocken?
The Scrap Yarn Sock Advent Calendar 2015 starts here: 1. joulukuuta / Dec 1st
Here at unikatissima:
unikatissima’s Lace Knitter’s Advent Calendars
You take for the artist book from greeting cards old greeting cards, paint and embellish them and make an artist book from. Great! :)
Artist Book from Greeting Cards (Make an Art Journal By Recycling Greetings Cards: Tutorial Part I) (video)
via: Making a Journal from Greetings Cards Tutorials are Done!
via: Making a Journal from Greetings Cards Tutorials…
Here at unikatissima:
Entries with the tag ‘artist book’
Another nice idea: simply draw zentangles on puzzle pieces and you get the zentangle puzzle earrings :)
Zentangle Puzzle Earrings (Hand Painted Black and White Jigsaw Puzzle Dangle Earringsi)
Here at unikatissima:
Entries containing the word ‘zentangle’
I have read the instructions for the bleached art t-shirts with a lot of interest, I would like to try it one day :)
Some are made similarly to the bleach stencilled placemats.
Bleached Art T-Shirts (MAYA IN THE MOMENT: Bleach Art Tees (With Tulip Fabric Dye!))
via: DYI–Bleach Art Shirts
Here at unikatissima:
Bleach Stencilled Placemats
Really, aren’t the sewn monsters cute? :)
Sewn Monster (Make your own Momster)
via: What could be more fun than making your own little Momster that’s totally hug-able and super easy to sew.